Conflict Resolution- WIN-win
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Conflict Resolution- WIN-win » LM013

Conflict Resolution- WIN-win

Course overview

Course overview

This conflict resolution course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of conflict resolution and equip them with the essential skills and knowledge required to manage conflicts constructively. The course will cover a range of topics, including the causes and types of conflict, the conflict resolution process, practical conflict resolution techniques, the role of communication in conflict resolution, mediation and other conflict resolution methods, conflict resolution in specific contexts, and ethics and standards in conflict resolution.

  • This course is designed for individuals and teams who want to improve their ability to manage and resolve conflicts in the Workplace.
  • The course is suitable for managers, supervisors, team leaders, human resources professionals, and anyone who wants to enhance their communication and collaboration skills.
  • It is also suitable for those who work in a constantly changing environment where conflicts arise frequently.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define conflict and its various types
  • Identify the causes and signals of conflicts
  • Apply the conflict resolution process and its key steps to manage conflicts constructively
  • Recognize and compare different conflict styles and outcomes
  • Analyze the role of communication and behavior in conflict resolution
  • Select the best tools and techniques to de-escalate conflicts
  • Apply advanced conflict resolution techniques to more complex conflicts
  • Understand mediation and other conflict resolution methods, including when and how to use them
  • Recognize and address conflicts in specific contexts, including workplace, family, and community settings
  • Adhere to ethical standards and codes of conduct in conflict resolution

Personal Benefits

By participating in this course, individuals will gain a range of personal benefits, including:

  • Enhanced understanding of conflict and its causes
  • Improved conflict management skills
  • Better communication skills and strategies for resolving conflicts
  • Increased self-awareness and understanding of personal conflict styles
  • Reduced stress and anxiety associated with managing conflicts
  • Greater confidence and ability to handle conflicts constructively

Organizational Benefits

By sending employees to this course, organizations can expect to see a range of benefits, including:

  • Improved conflict management and resolution skills among employees
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration within teams and across departments
  • Increased productivity and efficiency due to reduced conflict and better teamwork
  • Improved job satisfaction and retention due to a more positive and collaborative work environment
  • Reduced risk of legal disputes and associated costs
  • Enhanced reputation as a conflict-resolving organization.
Our Unique Training Methodology

Our Unique Training Methodology

  • The course will be delivered through a combination of interactive lectures, group discussions, role-playing, and case studies.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to practice and apply the concepts and techniques covered in the course through interactive activities and group exercises.
  • The course will also include self-reflection activities and individual assignments to encourage participants to apply the concepts and techniques to their work environment.
Training Medium

Training Medium

This Behavioral Interviewing training is designed in a way that it can be delivered face-to-face and virtually.

Course Modules

Course Modules

Module 1: Introduction to Conflict Resolution

  • Define conflict and the different types of conflicts (e.g., interpersonal, organizational, societal)
  • Discuss the consequences of unaddressed conflicts and the benefits of constructive conflict resolution
  • Present the conflict resolution process and its key steps (i.e., identification, analysis, option generation, and solution implementation)

Module 2: Understanding Conflict

  • Explain the difference between a problem, disagreement, and conflict
  • Explore the risks and opportunities associated with conflicts
  • Identify the causes and signals of conflicts
  • Discuss the role of perception and behavioral styles in conflict
  • Present the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model Instrument (TKI) and its applications

Module 3: Types of Conflict

  • Compare and contrast open and hidden conflicts
  • Discuss the differences between spontaneous and reflective actions

Module 4: Practicalities – The How-To’s

  • Detail the steps to clarify a conflict
  • Identify different conflict styles and outcomes
  • Emphasize the importance of effective communication in conflict resolution
  • Introduce reflective listening and other best practices

Module 5: Powerful Scenes of Conflict Styles and Conflict Management

  • Analyze conflict styles from movie scenes
  • Evaluate conflict management approaches from movies
  • Discuss influential scenes from “12 Angry Men”

Module 6: Techniques for Conflict De-Escalation

  • Explain how to create an effective atmosphere for de-escalation
  • Describe how to get to the root cause of a conflict
  • Present options for generating solutions and selecting the best one
  • Introduce additional tools and techniques for conflict resolution
  • Discuss advanced conflict resolution techniques

Module 7: The Role of Communication in Conflict Resolution

  • Emphasize the role of communication in conflict resolution
  • Present techniques for active listening and responding
  • Introduce paraphrasing skills and powerful questions
  • Analyze the role of body language in conflict resolution
  • Discuss intervention strategies and the importance of empathy

Module 8: Mediation and Other Conflict Resolution Methods

  • Define mediation and other conflict resolution methods
  • Explain when mediation is appropriate and how it works
  • Describe the role of a mediator in conflict resolution
  • Discuss other conflict resolution methods, such as arbitration, negotiation, and facilitation

Module 9: Conflict Resolution in Specific Contexts

  • Discuss conflict resolution in the workplace, including common workplace conflicts and resolution strategies
  • Describe conflict resolution in family and personal relationships, including common conflicts and resolution strategies
  • Analyze conflict resolution in community and international settings

Module 10: Conflict Resolution Ethics and Standards

  • Introduce the ethical considerations of conflict resolution
  • Discuss the standards of conduct for conflict resolution practitioners
  • Present the code of ethics for mediators and other conflict resolution professionals
Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

Overall, by participating in this course, individuals will gain a deeper understanding of conflict and its causes, improve their conflict management and resolution skills, develop better communication skills and strategies for resolving conflicts, increase their self-awareness and understanding of personal conflict styles, and gain the confidence and ability to handle conflicts constructively. Organizations can expect to see a range of benefits, including improved conflict management and resolution skills.

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