Hybrid team Management (Remote/Office)
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Hybrid team Management (Remote/Office) » LM014

Hybrid team Management (Remote/Office)

Course overview

Course overview

The concept of hybrid teams, or teams that consist of both remote and on-site workers, has been around for several years. However, it became more widely adopted and recognized as a viable work model during the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced many organizations to quickly shift to remote work. Prior to the pandemic, remote work was still seen as a relatively new and unconventional way of working, and many organizations were hesitant to adopt it. However, the pandemic accelerated the trend toward remote work and forced many organizations to rethink their traditional office-based work models. As a result, hybrid teams have become increasingly popular as a way to balance the benefits of remote work with the advantages of in-person collaboration and teamwork. While the exact origins of the concept of hybrid teams are difficult to pinpoint, it is clear that the pandemic has played a major role in popularizing and legitimizing this approach to work. As we continue to navigate the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, it is likely that hybrid teams will continue to be an important and widely adopted model of work

One of the biggest impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic is on our work environment. Hybrid working became the norm and is here to stay. All leaders and Managers need to create practices that ensure employees in the office are in sync with those working from home and also build fairness and flexibility into your workflow. Managers and Leaders need to talk with their team about how they can best work together in this new environment. They also need to discuss when and how they will communicate, who needs to be in on which decisions, and how employees will structure their workdays. Setting priorities and objectives for the future so that employees are clear about the most important work that needs to get done. This helps employees remain flexible while remaining focused.

The most common feelings when some employees work in office and others work from home are:

  • “us versus them”
  • “similar to the phenomenon of having a head office and a satellite office,”

Hybrid working can have a significant impact on both employees and employers, as well as on the broader community and society as a whole. Here are some of the key areas where the biggest impact of hybrid working can be seen:

  • Employee well-being: Hybrid working can improve employee well-being by providing more flexibility and autonomy, reducing commute times and costs, and promoting work-life balance.
  • Increased productivity: Studies have shown that hybrid working can increase employee productivity by allowing workers to focus on tasks without distractions, and by reducing the stress and fatigue associated with commuting.
  • Cost savings: Hybrid working can reduce costs for both employees and employers, such as commuting expenses, office space rental costs, and utility bills.
  • Access to talent: Hybrid working can allow organizations to access a broader pool of talent, regardless of geographic location, and to hire employees with diverse skill sets and experiences.
  • Environmental impact: Hybrid working can have a positive impact on the environment by reducing the carbon footprint associated with commuting and office-related energy use.
  • Overall, the biggest impact of hybrid working is likely to be on the way we work and live, as it offers a more flexible and adaptable approach to work that can benefit individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

The primary learning objectives of this training are:

  • What are etiquettes and how they impact our work life
  • Personal time vs professional time
  • Types of communications and how to choose the most suitable
  • Good and bad etiquettes
  • Suggestions
Our Unique Training Methodology

Our Unique Training Methodology

  • Group discussions
  • Breakout sessions
  • Peer learning
  • Whiteboarding
  • Brainstorming
Training Medium

Training Medium

The Training on “Managing Hybrid Team” is designed in a way that it can be delivered face to face and virtually.

Course Duration

Course Duration

This Training on “Managing Hybrid Team” is versatile in its delivery. The training can be delivered as a three-day program or can be spread across seven days.

Pre-course Assessment

Pre-course Assessment

All participants are expected to read the following Harvard Business Review “ How to manage Hybrid Teams”

Course Modules

Course Modules

Module 1: Introduction and Ice Breaker

Every participant needs to prepare their introduction and a one-minute talk on their experience in etiquette in office working vs remote/ hybrid working.

Module 2: Best practices when managing hybrid teams

  • Building Trust – Reliability, acceptance, openness and authenticity
  • Nurturing relationships
  • Encourage openness and visibility
  • Result orientation
  • Expectation setting
  • Promoting inclusiveness
  • Engaging with teams

Module 3: Resources needed to manage hybrid teams

  • Policies that support flexible working time and place
  • Training on collaboration tools like video conferencing email, phones, knowledge portal , shared drives
  • Job specific technology
  • Continuous learning
  • Virtual networking platforms

Module 4: Onboarding new colleagues in a hybrid environment

  • Corporate induction
  • Department specific induction
  • Buddy
  • Mentor
  • Communication during probation
  • Inclusion at every opportunity

Module 5: Learning on-the-job remotely

  • Virtual live sessions
  • Self-learning
  • Mentoring and Coaching
  • Platforms to share knowledge

Module 6: Managing performance remotely

  • Feed forward and not feedback
  • Evaluate on effort, impact and ownership
  • Frequent and regular
  • Positive and growth oriented
  • Facts, facts and more facts
  • Asking question
  • Active listening

Module 7: Managing Change

  • Identifying and promoting change makers
  • Identifying, naming and abolishing resistors
  • Building awareness
  • Appreciating the merits and acknowledging the demerits of change

Module 8: Beyond managing: Leading Hybrid Teams

  • Set rules of engagement
  • Develop daily leadership rituals
  • Ensuring all team members have the right tools and technology
  • Effective meeting facilitation
  • Mention water cooler conversations
  • Keep building culture
  • Promote values face-to-face, hybrid and remotely
  • Promote inclusion
  • Focus on problem solving
Post-course Assessment

Post-course Assessment

Participants are expected to establish for themselves:

  • How will they ensure that communication becomes their super power
  • Create opportunities for team building
Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

The Training Bee takes pride in identifying the most critical training requirements of the workplace and curating training programs that are forward looking. The aim of this training on “Managing Hybrid Teams” is to help professionals to manage the change of gaving dispersed teams while remails business focused and inclusive.

Our team of competent trainers, research the present and future workplace trends across industries and geographies and deliver information, knowledge and tools to overcome the challenges of tomorrow. This preemptive outlook differentiates our course design, its delivery and keeps our clients asking for more.

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