Leadership Training for Woman Leaders- Women Empowerment
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Leadership Training for Woman Leaders- Women Empowerment » LM007

Leadership Training for Woman Leaders- Women Empowerment

Course overview

Course overview

Fortune 500 CEO statistics show that only 15% of all Fortune 500 CEO’s are females. The trend is similar for companies outside the preview of Fortune 500. This is despite research telling us that female leadership is assertive, inclusive and empowering.

The gender disparity in management roles has been a hot topic for discussion since decades. Unfortunately, the global pandemic forced many women leaders to leave the workforce. Globally women are the primary caregivers to elderly and young children, which is a major contributor to women not joining the workforce inspite of topping the academic results, dropping out of jobs, not getting promoted as much as men and above all earning less than men for the same job.

This training is as much for women who leave the workforce, as it is for women who survive and thrive in the workforce. It is about instilling self-worthband empowering these women to take make audacious goals for themselves and achieve them, without compromising or feeling guilty about any choices that they make.

All of us are aware of the cultural biases and challenges imposed by the external environment since generations. However, many women themselves sabotage their careers.  They do this by doubting their present abilities and future potential. Research tells us that a woman will usually refrain from applying for a job if she does not meet 100% of the requirement, on the other hand a man will apply for a job even if he meets only 50% of the job requirement. Even the most successful female leaders have publicly accepted to having self- doubt, low confidence and imposter syndrome at some stage in their career.

This training aims to take our organizations a few steps closer to a more diverse and inclusive work culture, by encouraging and empowering women to lead like women.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

This “Leadership Training for Women Leaders” aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Develop self-awareness.
  • Improve your executive presence.
  • Understand your leadership style and how it impacts others.
  • Leverage your personal strength.
  • Confidence to lead like a woman – revel your authentic self for greater influence.
  • Demolish your imposter syndrome.
  • Equip yourself with career strategies.
  • Develop lifelong networks.
  • Leading in the post pandemic world
Our Unique Training Methodology

Our Unique Training Methodology

  • Interactive discussions
  • Breakout sessions
  • Case studies
  • Experience sharing
  • Inspiration from successful women leaders
Training Medium

Training Medium

The “Leadership Training for Women Leaders” is designed in a way that it can be delivered face to face and virtually.

Pre-course Assessment

Pre-course Assessment

All participants are required to undertake a leadership assessment. This will reveal their leadership style and provide important information for participants to work on during the training.

Course Modules

Course Modules

Module 1: Introduction and Ice Breaker

Participants introduce themselves and mention their most vulnerable moment as a leader.

Module 2: Create and promote your leadership identity and style

  • Be original
  • Be aware of your strength and weaknesses
  • Understand the biases in your environment
  • Be bold and courageous
  • Experiment
  • Take feedback

Module 3: Improving your communication, presentation and negotiation skills

  • Creating impactful outcomes from every communication
  • Record your presentations and review to overcome your flaws
  • Winning strategies for negotiation

Module 4: Navigating organizational politics and investing in professional networks  

  • Identifying key influencers and decision makers in and outside the organization
  • Relationship building
  • Becoming a trusted advisor

Module 5: Executive presence

  • Developing a vision for yourself
  • Learn the art of story telling
  • Hire an executive Coach
  • Command the room
  • Strong personal branding
  • Maintain composure in chaos

Module 6: Imposter syndrome

  • Let go of perfection
  • Accept your failures with grace
  • Cultivate self-compassion
  • Celebrate big and small success
  • Speak up
  • Separate feelings from facts
  • Change the narrative

Module 7: Building credibility and inspiring others

  • Demonstrate honesty, integrity and agility
  • Value transparency and clarity
  • Upskill continuously
  • Encourage professional development in others
  • Encourage teamwork and collaboration

Module 8: Mentoring and sponsorships

  • Mentor young female talent to build a future pipeline and pay it forward
  • Value and cultivate respect over likability for people to sponsor you

Module 9: Leading in the post pandemic world

  • Leveraging remote and hybrid working
  • Embracing the future of work
  • Challenging the rules for yourself
  • Adapting the rules to make the workplace more conducive to current and future women leaders.
Post-course Assessment

Post-course Assessment

At the end of the training every participant will make a personal plan of a big audacious goal for themselves, identify milestones and select someone from their inner circle to whom they will report on the progress.

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

The Training Bee takes pride in identifying the most critical training requirements of the workplace and curating training programs that are forward looking. The aim of this “Leadership Training for Women Leaders” is to develop courageous and futuristic female leaders who win boardroom discussions with their unapologetic female energy.

Our team of competent trainers, research the present and future workplace trends across industries and geographies and deliver information, knowledge and tools to overcome the challenges of tomorrow. This preemptive outlook differentiates our course design, its delivery and keeps our clients asking for more.

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