Reinvent Your Career With Agile Scrum Master Program
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Reinvent Your Career With Agile Scrum Master Program » PM003

Reinvent Your Career With Agile Scrum Master Program

Course overview

Course overview

What is a certification in Agile Scrum Mastering?

One of the most widely used Agile project delivery frameworks is Scrum. It provides a flexible, rapid, iterative, and adaptable framework for producing substantial value consistently and swiftly over the course of a project. The Scrum framework’s adaptability enables it to assist with the development of products and services in any kind of project, regardless of complexity.

Time, money, scale, quality, resource, organizational capacity, and other limits frequently affect projects, making them challenging to plan, carry out, manage, and eventually accomplish. The power of Scrum rests in its ability to deploy self-organizing, cross-functional teams that split and complete their work in brief work cycles known as sprints. Delivering value through Scrum Teams and achieving outcomes as soon as possible is the main goal of Scrum. The success of the Scrum Master, who bears final responsibility for guiding the project in the proper direction, is enhanced by a highly productive Scrum team.

What is a Scrum Master’s job description?

The Scrum Master’s job is to support and guide every team member participating in the execution of agile project activities. While the Scrum Master isn’t supposed to produce outcomes, they do assist others in applying Scrum successfully and reaching their objectives. They are recognized as an authority on the topic and possess both theoretical and practical expertise in implementing Scrum.

Participants will gain comprehensive knowledge and the skills you need to implement Agile Principles and function as a Scrum Master after completing this Training Bee training course. You will gain an understanding of the agile mentality as well as practical solutions for typical obstacles and problems that impede agility. Your organization’s Scrum strategy will be developed with your knowledge and experiences in mind, providing you with the necessary perspective and skill to play a major role in keeping it implemented. In order to select and implement the best practices and procedures for their Scrum teams, the participants will get the ability to do so.

In order to verify their knowledge and comprehension and obtain their well-earned certification, participants will take an open-book quiz.

Course overview


Welcome to the training course for agile scrum masters! In the dynamic field of project management, the Scrum Master’s role has become essential to teams’ ability to embrace agility and provide value in iterations. With the help of this course, you will get the abilities and information required to lead teams through the Scrum framework’s tenets and procedures as an Agile Scrum Master.

This course combines interactive discussions, case studies, and practical exercises with theoretical topics. Our knowledgeable educators are dedicated to giving you the knowledge and abilities needed to succeed as an Agile Scrum Master. They have a plethora of real-world Scrum experience.

Prepare to set out on an educational and empowering trip. Welcome to the training course for agile scrum masters!

We are The Training Bee, a global training and education firm providing services in many countries. We are specialized in capacity building and talent development solutions for individuals and organizations, with our highly customized programs and training sessions.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

Upon completing Agile Scrum Master Certification, participants will be able to:

  • Thorough familiarity with Agile, Scrum, and the significance of successful Scrum tactics
  • Significance, comprehension, and significance of the Scrum Values lucidity of the Scrum Master’s leadership role within the team
  • The necessary self-assurance and expertise to take the lead in carrying out projects and activities in accordance with the organization’s Scrum Master
  • Discover the abilities, characteristics, social skills, and behavioral changes required to become a Scrum Master.
  • The necessary expertise, understanding, and viewpoint to participate in or independently create an efficient Agile / Scrum strategy for the company and carry out plans and projects in accordance with this approach
Our Unique Training Methodology

Our Unique Training Methodology

This interactive course comprises the following training methods:

  • Journaling – This consists of setting a timer and letting your thoughts flow, unedited and unscripted recording events, ideas, and thoughts over a while, related to the topic.
  • Social learning – Information and expertise exchanged amongst peers via computer-based technologies and interactive conversations including Blogging, instant messaging, and forums for debate in groups.
  • Project-based learning
  • Mind mapping and brainstorming – A session will be carried out between participants to uncover unique ideas, thoughts, and opinions having a quality discussion.
  • Interactive sessions – The course will use informative lectures to introduce key concepts and theories related to the topic.
  • Presentations – Participants will be presented with multimedia tools such as videos and graphics to enhance learning. These will be delivered engagingly and interactively.
Training Medium

Training Medium

This Agile Scrum Master Certification training is designed in a way that it can be delivered face-to-face and virtually.

Course Duration

Course Duration

This training is versatile in its delivery. The training can be delivered as a full-fledged 40-hour training program or a 15- hours crash course covering 5 hours of content each day over 3 days

Pre-course Assessment

Pre-course Assessment

Before you enroll in this course all we wanted to know is your exact mindset and your way of thinking.
For that, we have designed this questionnaire attached below.

  • Give an explanation of Scrum in relation to Agile project management.
  • Give a brief explanation of the Development Team, Product Owner, and Scrum Master’s responsibilities inside a Scrum framework.
  • List the main Scrum ceremonies and give a brief explanation of each.
  • At least two Scrum artifacts utilized in Scrum projects should be identified and described.
  • Describe the particular duties and roles that a Scrum Master has to perform.
  • In what ways does the Scrum Master assist and guide the Scrum Team and the Scrum process as a whole?
  • Describe the Daily Scrum meeting’s objective.
  • In what ways does the Daily Scrum support openness, cooperation, and ongoing development?
Course Modules

Course Modules

This Agile Scrum Master Certification covers the following topics for understanding the essentials of the Agile Workplace:

Module 1 – Overview of Agile

  • Growth of Agile
  • Why use Agile and what does it entail?
  • The Agile Declaration
  • The twelve tenets of Agile
  • An Interdependence Declaration

Module 2 – Overview of Scrum

  • What is Scrum?
  • The Scrum Framework and Theory
  • The connection between Agile and Scrum
  • The cornerstones of Scrum
  • The Scrum Principles and Values
  • Scrum Methods

Module 3 – Agile Occurrences

  • Overview of Scrum Events
  • The Hurry
  • The planning for the sprint
  • The Scrum Every Day
  • The Review of the Sprint
  • The Sprint Review

Module 4 – Roles and responsibilities in Scrum

  • The teams using Scrum
  • Fundamental Positions
  • Non-essential Positions

Module 5 – Overview of the Phases of a Scrum Project

  • Start
  • Make a plan and estimate
  • Execute
  • Examine and Reflect
  • Let Go

Module 6 – Initiate

  • Construct a Project Vision
  • Determine the Stakeholders and Scrum Master.
  • Form a Scrum Group
  • Create an epic or epics
  • Make a backlog of prioritized products.
  • Carry out Release Planning

Module 7 – Make a plan and estimate

  • Make use of user stories.
  • Calculate the number of user stories
  • Put User Stories in Place
  • Determine/Approximate Tasks
  • Make a backlog for sprints.

Module 8 – Execute

  • Make Outcomes
  • Perform a daily stand-up.
  • Groom Product Priority
  • Backlog

Module 9 – Reducing Scrum

  • Scrum’s scalability
  • Scrum in Portfolios and Programs
  • SoS, or Scrum of Scrums
  • Scrum implementation in practice
  • Connecting Conventional Roles with Scrum
Post-course Assessment

Post-course Assessment

Participants need to complete an assessment post-course completion so our mentors will get to know their understanding of the course. A mentor will also have interrogative conversations with participants and provide valuable feedback.

  • What role did upholding these principles have in the Scrum Team’s success?
  • In what ways does the Scrum Master foster cooperation and a supportive team atmosphere?
  • Examine the Sprint Planning procedure and discuss how to make planning meetings more effective.
  • How can the Scrum Master guarantee the effectiveness and productivity of Sprint Planning meetings?
  • Give instances of how the Scrum Team has improved continuously based on input from the Sprint Retrospective.
  • In what ways did these activities improve the performance of the team?
  • Discuss your experiences finding and fixing obstacles in an Agile project.
  • What was the effect of the Scrum Master’s initiative on the project’s advancement?
Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

In Action Servant Leadership: By emphasizing empowerment and enablement over direction and dictation for the Scrum Team, the Scrum Master exemplifies servant leadership. The Scrum Master assists the team in realizing its maximum potential by serving it.

Leading as a Fundamental Competency: Facilitating effectively is a fundamental aspect of the Scrum Master’s job. The success of the team is largely dependent on the individuals’ capacity to lead Scrum events, promote teamwork, and resolve disputes.

The mindset of continuous improvement: Continuous development is a mindset, not just a catchphrase. In addition to leading the team through an ongoing process of reflection and adaptation, the Scrum Master leads retrospectives.

Ability to Adjust: A workplace of constant change is ideal for the Scrum Master. Agile project success requires the ability to adjust to changing needs, priorities, and feedback.

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